A great big Thank You! to our customers for a decade of keeping you cool!

Veskimo Personal Cooling Systems will no longer be offering our Cooling Vests or Complete Personal Cooling Systems, BUT we will honor all warranties still in effect from past sales and will continue to offer replacement parts and repair services.

Additionally, a limited number of new Veskimo Personal Cooling System Accessories are available below.

Accessories for Veskimo Personal Cooling Systems

All products SHIPPED FREE
(Charges apply for delivery outside the Contiguous United States)
Click the READ MORE &BUY buttons to purchase

Spare Lithium-Ion Battery

The rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery will power the pump in the Backpack or Cooler for over six hours.

Lithium-Ion Battery Charger

This special Charger must be used to recharge the Veskimo Lithium-Ion Rechargeable Battery taking about 4 hours.